Valentine’s Day at the Playa

Welcome back readers to our latest newsletter.  We here at the Playa were overwhelmed at the response to our last offer, which included a reduced introductory fee  for new members of the Winter Sports Club.  Flossie has been inundated with requests for muffs, all of which are hand-knitted by Flossie herself.


One of Flossie’s lovely hand-knitted muffs…..

Valentine’s Day is now almost upon us and, true to form, the Playa has an exciting special offer for you

For a very reasonable price, we here at the Playa are proud to announce that we are now able to perform GAY MARRIAGES*

Yes, we can happily let you gayer types tie the knot, and whatever else you people tie, here in our specially converted GAY CHAPEL


The beautiful chapel at the Playa

Enjoy a day with your loved one, and seal your love for each other by getting married.  Flossie & Keith (pronounced ‘Keith’) are both qualified to perform marriage ceremonies.  Well, not exactly qualified but we have a rough idea of what to do.  And we both scrub up well so we won’t let you down in the photos

Alternatively, just come and have a bit of dinner and a shag.  Much cheaper and just as much fun

*Offer also open to non-gayers but without the wedding bit.  So basically, just dinner and a shag

Disclaimer: The management are not anti-gay. In fact, many of their best friends are gayers.  Indeed, we are waiting for the wedding invites to flood in now.  We are, however, not particularly taken with the whole idea of marriage if it excludes those people who choose to love others of the same sex.  This post is a celebration of the fact that our friends are now able to choose to marry, should they wish to.

About Flossie

Wannabe writer, artist, blogger, photographer, name it, I wannabe it..... I am a 50 something Educated Essex girl who loves life and laughter. I hope my blog makes you laugh sometimes as well as think, when I can get round to writing something thought-provoking, that is...

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